Thursday, September 10, 2009

Well, some one has to talk about it

Hello all you awesome people, Nate here and I am Blogging about our toilet today. Thats right, our port-o-John, our porcelain temple. The first in a decent list of amazing features of this modern comfort actually has nothing to do with the toilet itself. Rather, it has everything to do with the fact that the home of this little wonder has hard wood floors, and, get ready for it, slippers, yes thats right, slippers. So now for the late night bathroom adventurer, he or she can now go about their business in total comfort.
Once you have assumed the business position, there is a rather sizable library of books for one to enjoy.
Now, on to the thing itself... Given this build up, you the reader may be mislead to think that precious stones are involved, or perhaps flashing lights and little singing voices but you would be sorely mistaken. The grand finale, the big sha-bang, the moment you have all been waiting for .......when you flush, some of the water from the pipes, not the toilet bowl, goes to a sink that is part of the toilet, so when you flush, you get a 2 for 1 deal of getting to wash your hands and...well, you know the other one.
Well, thats about all I can go on about a toilet for now.
this information comes at the request of Ian

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this sounds fantastic. Would you post a photo please?
